Brand Name: XMSJ
Origin: US(Origin)
Product Dimensions | 90.31″D x 90.31″W x 38.19″H |
Special Feature | |
Color | Black |
Fuel Type | Gas |
About this item
- Spacious Cooking Surface & High Output: 969 sq. in. porcelain-enameled steel wire cooking grates are with food-grade treatment, and 8 stainless steel tube burners deliver 13,000 BTU each totaling 104,000 BTU cooking power.
- Dual Systems: Two gas supporting systems create individually controlled grilling zones. Two individual electronic ignition systems offer reliable spark at every push.
- Easy Cleanup: Draw-out grease drip tray and removable grease collection cup on two different grease management systems make cleaning easier.
- Folding Design: Three wind deflectors on each side of the cooking area are easy to fold down, and two folding side tables offer ample food preparation work space.
- Great Storage: Store various large grill accessories on the 2-level heavy-duty open cart; secure LP tank on either side of grill depending on which area you are using.
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