Brand Name: MOCCSOCC
Origin: US(Origin)
Type: umbrella
General Use: Outdoor Furniture
Pole Material: Metal
About this item
- PREMIUM PATIO DÉCOR: The BLUU BANYAN umbrella has a classic, floating design that will transport you to your last relaxing vacation on the beach. The eight Velcro straps around the perimeter of the umbrella can be used for hanging your favorite decorations or sparkling lights!
- HIGH-QUALITY SOLUTION-DYED FABRIC: The 10 FT wide canopy is made of 240 gsm solution-dyed fabric with a water-repellent coating to increase the water pressure repellence capability up to 800 pascals units. The thick material can protect your skin and ensure minimal fading when in direct sunlight. We also proudly provide a 2-year warranty on color fastness. We added solar powered lighting to our umbrellas so you can use the umbrella day or night. When FULLY charged, the umbrella will provide light 4-6 hours. Simply turn the lights on and enjoy the night
- ENHANCED STABILITY: To significantly reduce canopy sway, we’ve included an automatic locking mechanism with groove slots at the junction of the canopy and pole. Moreover, for added durability and overall strength, critical components such as the crank handle, knobs, pivots, and sliding structure have been upgraded to a robust nylon and fiberglass composite. The Velcro straps securely fastens the canopy to the pole, boosting wind resistance for a more reliable outdoor experience.
- EASY TO ADJUST: Our innovative tilting system provides maximum coverage from the sun at any time of day. Tilt the canopy from 90 to 180 degrees effortlessly with our ergonomically designed sliding handle. Open, close, and tilt our umbrella with ease!
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